"This Generation"
What is meant by the title "This Generation" of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe?
Who make up "This Generation"? What is "This Generation" all about?
"This Generation" is the adopted title to the new era that has come about in
the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe. "This Generation" began on 1 October, 1996, on this day the people who made up the existing
population of the tribe that Annawan once governed stood up and for the first time in 320 year Publicly stated who they were,
where they came from, and where they were going.
The decedents of Annawans tribe reorganized themselves into a modern
day organization. They adopted a Tribal Council, a Constitution, a Mission and Values Statement, a Posterity Statement,
and A set of Goals to accomplish.
The founders of this generation call themselves citizens. They recognized
that they were one distinct people with a set of common goals and principles. They stated "today we take off the shackles
that once bound us, and kept us from publicly stating who we are. Today we begin anew to live the life of a people
with a proud heritage. That once had dominion over this Land, and tomorrow will thrive once more. What once was, is now, and forever shall be the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe".
The shackles that were thrown off that night were the shadows of the laws and
regulations from the colonial era that said they could no longer practice in public or private their rightful native heritage.
Thrown off that night were the guilt of generations who suffered for who they were, a people who were in this world but not
a part of it. Thrown off that night were the self imposed rules that said you never publicly acknowledged who you
"This Generation" is made up of the people who can trace thier native heritage
to having lived on the Seaconke Plaine prior to 1925. They must accept the above stated goals and principles, and they
must work in a positive manner toward the accomplisnment of those goals.
"The Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe is all about these goals and principles" stated
Chairperson Markley. "This Generation" is all about bringing to life that which was once cut off from us. To rediscover
and develop our native heritage for the betterment of ourselves and our children". "We are all about learning from the past,
building on our present, and having a future that is bright and wonderful or all mankind."
"This Generation" is about doing. Taking positive action, executing a
plan that we build together for the good of everyone!" Chairman Markley went onto state.